Sunday, July 18, 2010

Personal entry : Parody!

Many people nowadays love to make a parody out of something and everyone loves it. Parody is a remake of something to mock or comment on or making fun of the original object by mean of humorous imitation. Youtube are the place where these parody has been shown to public. Here are some example of funny parody :

Video courtesy of Take180 on Youtube!

Video courtesy of Tobuscus on Youtube!

Video courtesy of Tobuscus on Youtube!

I love all the parody above, it makes me laugh till my stomach hurts! haha! well i think you guys get the idea what am i trying to say to you. Well a word of advice, if you want to try to make a parody think twice about the one who made the original object. :D

Well that is all from me mates! Cheerio! =D

Juxtaposition ?

Juxtaposition is define as the position of two object that are different in so many way, in other word that they are contrast is placed together or near to each other. It is somehow weird but it is quite unique in a way, placing two object that are contrast for example like black and white picture. Juxtaposition can make the viewer of the image drawn to the object difference or similarities between the objects. Juxtaposition can make one of the object stands out because of the contrast. In art juxtaposition sometimes use to draw people attention and to make it stand out for example the object color is contrast to the background so it would make the object in the picture stand out from the background and the viewer can determine which is the background and which is the object in the picture.

Here are some example of juxtaposition images:

Image courtesy of Google!

Well that is all from me! Cheerio! =D

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Personal entry : T' awesomeness of Inception!

Today my friend and i went to Alamanda to watch a movie that has been rumored to be the best movie in 2010. At first i thought it was just only a rumor and maybe in my point of view the movie would not be that good because i don't really like action movies, so yeah.

So the movie started and surprisingly at the first 20 minute of the movie, my mouth are opened wide by the movie plot. It was awesomely amazing!. The story is about a guy and a his group having the skill to go to other people's mind ,manipulate them and make them think that it was real. It was quite twisting and confusing at first but later on i get the story and i understand how it goes. Seriously, i have to admit that it really is a great movie and i rate it 9/10. I minus 1 from the 10 star because of the confusing part. Here are a trailer for you guys to watch :

Well that is all from me mates! Cheerio! =D

Saturday, July 03, 2010

Regardin' Me Self!

mind map by me (click on the image for higher res :D )

About me self!

Dzulkifly Ehsan is my name. I was born on 6 december 1991 in Bandung, Indonesia. Mohd Ridwan bin Hj. Sobari and Ipah Syaripah are my parents. I am the eldest among my siblings. i got two little brother, Aditya Ramdhani and Mohd Haddad Yusril. I have been living in Malaysia for over 10 years now. My first primary school was in Bandung, SD Soka V. I moved to Malaysia when i was 9 and continue my education in Sekolah Kebangsaan Bukit Kuda as a 4th grade student. Then i continue my study to a secondary school in Klang, Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Sultan Abdul Samad. After i graduate from highschool i further my studies in graphic design by studying in Multimedia University and now i am in beta year , majoring in Film and Animation course.

The things i like? i like pizzas, hamburgers any kind of hamburgers, Malaysian local food Roti Canai, Western Food especially Chicken chop, coke, Teh 'O, Banana Juice(yumm), Pepsi and Chicken. I also like to listen to other people's problem, i love to make people laugh and i also like to annoy them a lot. In contrast, the things that i do not like is including vegetable, food that was supposed to be served warm become cold, dirty stuff, drugs, loads of assignments, watching tv series(urggh), and lastly cigarette's smoke!

My hobby is playing badminton, rollerblading, playing computer games and the thing that i do the most like every day, that is browsing through the internet for some weird stuff, by weird i mean artsy weird ;). My ambition is to be a rich person of course, make my parents happy, having a super duper awesome big car and a condo house(hope so) and last but not least become an animator. I have some favorite stuff too ya know such as, my dslr camera, my macbook( i call it iEldie ;P ), my different types of rubics and my trusty bag that i have been using it since i was in 2nd grade that is my nike bag ( i still using it till now ya know, ya can imagine how it looks like now huh don't ya ? ;D ).

Well that is all from me mates! Cheerio! =D

What be Stereotype ??

Stereotype is a phrased that often use to differentiate people by their race, nationality, religion and others. It is also can be defined to label a specific group of people or types of individual. For example, in western movies muslim always been shown as a terrorist, black people as gangster, asian as the dumb people and blondes too. Stereotype can be shown just by a single a word, for example nerd or geek.