Sunday, July 18, 2010

Juxtaposition ?

Juxtaposition is define as the position of two object that are different in so many way, in other word that they are contrast is placed together or near to each other. It is somehow weird but it is quite unique in a way, placing two object that are contrast for example like black and white picture. Juxtaposition can make the viewer of the image drawn to the object difference or similarities between the objects. Juxtaposition can make one of the object stands out because of the contrast. In art juxtaposition sometimes use to draw people attention and to make it stand out for example the object color is contrast to the background so it would make the object in the picture stand out from the background and the viewer can determine which is the background and which is the object in the picture.

Here are some example of juxtaposition images:

Image courtesy of Google!

Well that is all from me! Cheerio! =D

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