Sunday, June 20, 2010

Personal entry : Facebook!

Image courtesy of Google!

Facebook is social networking website that allow us to communicate with other people around the globe through the internet. There are pros and cons about this social networking site. The positive thing about it is that we can communicate with other people who live in the opposite side of the globe or someone who live far away from us. It is also makes people who went far away from his hometown, keep in touch with his/her family. It is also can be use to make more friend or a date. Facebook allow us to keep in touch with our friend without going outside the house.

In contrast, Facebook is not a private website, so whatever picture or statuses that we post on it, it can be view by other people. It can bring controversial about something. Other than that, not just making new friends, Facebook can also make new enemies for us. It is because when we are emotional or pissed about something, we would do anything to release that feeling including posting something inappropriate that would offend people without us knowing.

There are also other social networking site that exist in the net but in this post i just want to share about Facebook because Facebook is one the famous networking site in this world.

Well that is all from me mates! Cheerio! =D

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