Monday, June 28, 2010

What is novelty, Creativity, Innovation and Invention.?

This video above is about a woman and her team who bring a solution to a worldwide problem that is costly incubator for babies in rural area. It is stated that 4 million babies dies annually and those who survived grow up with severe long term health problem. All of this happen because of in rural area it is hard for parents their child to a nearby hospital and besides that the cost of an incubator is expensive , so it is quite impossible for them to give what the baby needs for the first month of their life.

So this group of people came up with an idea to help those people by invent a new product which have the similar function of an incubator [invention]. They invent a product that are never been use by other people or think of by other people [novelty]. Besides that to reduce the cost of electricity and a incubator, they only use a small sleeping bag and use a plastic of wax so that it has the same function as a incubator [creativity] and this method is easy to use , cheap and even people who are poor can use it as well [innovation].

Well i think that is what i understand about novelty, creativity, innovation and invention. Being new and original about something, using imagination and ideas to create something, finding new method and ideas, invent a product that could help users in their daily life activities.

Well that is all from me! Cheerio! =D

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