Sunday, September 19, 2010

Final Product

This is our final product:

Digital Art

As stated from a reliable source, digital art is a term used generally to describe the range of artistic works and practices that is gained from digital technology. Formerly known as digital art today had other various names to describe such work, which includes computer art and multimedia art. It is another type of contemporary art that uses computer technology to create distinctive works. Digital art was pioneered in the 1970’s but only came into its own as a viable art form with the widespread availability of computers, appropriate software, video equipments, sound mixers, and digital cameras toward the end of the 20th century. Digital art can be of purely computer-generated, such as fractals, or an image drawn using vector graphics software using a mouse or tablet, or taken from another source, such as a scanned photograph.

The existence of digital art has transformed traditional ways such as live painting, pencil drawing and sculpturing, while new forms, such as 3D modeling, digital installation art, and virtual reality, have become more recognized artistic practices. Moreover, as digital art is a term applied to contemporary art that uses the technological methods, the term digital artist is used to describe an artist who makes use of digital technologies in their production of art.

As many would know, digital art has many aspects to it. To name a few, multimedia, motion graphics, new media art, digital illustration, digital painting, digital poetry, computer graphics, computer music, virtual art, video game design, pixel art, photo manipulation, movie special effects, dynamic painting, and many more that is soon to be perceived by the art society.

The techniques of digital art, nowadays, are commonly used by the mainstream of media in the advertising industries, and by filmmakers to produce special effects. It is possible that general acceptance of the value of digital art will progress in much the same way as the increased acceptance of electronically produced music over the last three decades. Artworks are considered digital painting when created in similar fashion to non-digital paintings but using software on a computer platform and digitally outputting the resulting image as painted on canvas.

Digital printing and digital photography is now an acceptable medium of creation and presentation by major museums and galleries, as digital art is widely known to everyone. Internationally, many museums now are beginning to collect forms of digital art for displays. One distinct reason why the established art community finds it difficult to take in digital art is the inaccurate awareness of digital prints being endlessly reproducible. Although, many artists tend to erase the relevant image file after the first print, making it a unique and limited artwork. Photo manipulation software’s are now available through many sources that provide the service, creating a vast and creative library of highly modified images, many bearing little or no hint of the original image. Using fine electronic versions of brushes, filters and enlargers, these professional “neographers” produce images unachievable through traditional photographic tools. Digital artists have the skills to manipulate scanned drawings, paintings, collages or lithographs, as well as using any of the above-mentioned techniques in combination. They also use many other sources of electronic information and programs to create their work.

3D computer graphics is also considered as one of the many aspects of digital art. It is created via the process of designing complex imagery from geometric shapes, polygons, or NURBS curves to create three-dimensional shapes, objects and environment. It is normally be used in various media such as film, television, print, rapid prototyping and the special visual effects. Many software are now available to be use to create such effect.

Digital installation art composes a broad field of activity and incorporates many forms. Some artworks resemble video installations, particularly large scale works involving projections and live video capture. Projection techniques is said to enhance an audiences’ impression of sensory envelopment, many digital installations attempt to create immersive environments. To put it in simple words, installation art describes an artistic genre or site-specific, three-dimensional works designed to transform the perception of a space. Normally, the term is applied to interior spaces. For example, to take Noah Wardrip-Fruin’s interactive new media art piece entitled “Screen” is an installation art. User enters the room, which is the art itself, to view and interact with the piece produced. Through bodily interaction, such as a hang gesture, user can move and bounce the text around the walls.

Nowadays, there are plenty of professional digital artists that can be seen all over the world, even on the Internet. Even those who have a job of manipulating photos are bound to be called a digital artist. Although, a few are recognized from their original and exclusive artwork that has never been seen of. For example, famous digital artists such as Roy Ascott, Heiko Daxl, Michael Naimark, Graham Smith, Lillian Schwartz, Nicola Pezzetta, Charles Csuri, Donna Cox, Shawn Brixey, Scott Snibe, Laurence Gartel, and many more, are known for their excellent skills in creating artworks that inspire others in a digital art form.

From our personal opinion, digital art will soon expand its popularity and demands as it uses the latest equipments from today’s culture. In many ways, creative multimedia is a part of digital art as some of the aspects involve the characteristics of multimedia. It is also creatively construct to deliver information or merely just for entertainment’s sake. Computer technology and it’s related field are what many companies of different areas requires as it is faster and easier. Furthermore, digital art can imitate traditional art with added extra creativity and stylization. Related industries now requires many of digital art’s aspects to convey messages, stories and information in a way traditional art could not. Therefore, making it a number one demand, it will soon grow and someday become a part of traditional art in the near future.

Mind Map

About Creative Multimedia and Digital Art.


Here are some of the sketches our group made

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Personal entry : Parody!

Many people nowadays love to make a parody out of something and everyone loves it. Parody is a remake of something to mock or comment on or making fun of the original object by mean of humorous imitation. Youtube are the place where these parody has been shown to public. Here are some example of funny parody :

Video courtesy of Take180 on Youtube!

Video courtesy of Tobuscus on Youtube!

Video courtesy of Tobuscus on Youtube!

I love all the parody above, it makes me laugh till my stomach hurts! haha! well i think you guys get the idea what am i trying to say to you. Well a word of advice, if you want to try to make a parody think twice about the one who made the original object. :D

Well that is all from me mates! Cheerio! =D

Juxtaposition ?

Juxtaposition is define as the position of two object that are different in so many way, in other word that they are contrast is placed together or near to each other. It is somehow weird but it is quite unique in a way, placing two object that are contrast for example like black and white picture. Juxtaposition can make the viewer of the image drawn to the object difference or similarities between the objects. Juxtaposition can make one of the object stands out because of the contrast. In art juxtaposition sometimes use to draw people attention and to make it stand out for example the object color is contrast to the background so it would make the object in the picture stand out from the background and the viewer can determine which is the background and which is the object in the picture.

Here are some example of juxtaposition images:

Image courtesy of Google!

Well that is all from me! Cheerio! =D

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Personal entry : T' awesomeness of Inception!

Today my friend and i went to Alamanda to watch a movie that has been rumored to be the best movie in 2010. At first i thought it was just only a rumor and maybe in my point of view the movie would not be that good because i don't really like action movies, so yeah.

So the movie started and surprisingly at the first 20 minute of the movie, my mouth are opened wide by the movie plot. It was awesomely amazing!. The story is about a guy and a his group having the skill to go to other people's mind ,manipulate them and make them think that it was real. It was quite twisting and confusing at first but later on i get the story and i understand how it goes. Seriously, i have to admit that it really is a great movie and i rate it 9/10. I minus 1 from the 10 star because of the confusing part. Here are a trailer for you guys to watch :

Well that is all from me mates! Cheerio! =D

Saturday, July 03, 2010

Regardin' Me Self!

mind map by me (click on the image for higher res :D )

About me self!

Dzulkifly Ehsan is my name. I was born on 6 december 1991 in Bandung, Indonesia. Mohd Ridwan bin Hj. Sobari and Ipah Syaripah are my parents. I am the eldest among my siblings. i got two little brother, Aditya Ramdhani and Mohd Haddad Yusril. I have been living in Malaysia for over 10 years now. My first primary school was in Bandung, SD Soka V. I moved to Malaysia when i was 9 and continue my education in Sekolah Kebangsaan Bukit Kuda as a 4th grade student. Then i continue my study to a secondary school in Klang, Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Sultan Abdul Samad. After i graduate from highschool i further my studies in graphic design by studying in Multimedia University and now i am in beta year , majoring in Film and Animation course.

The things i like? i like pizzas, hamburgers any kind of hamburgers, Malaysian local food Roti Canai, Western Food especially Chicken chop, coke, Teh 'O, Banana Juice(yumm), Pepsi and Chicken. I also like to listen to other people's problem, i love to make people laugh and i also like to annoy them a lot. In contrast, the things that i do not like is including vegetable, food that was supposed to be served warm become cold, dirty stuff, drugs, loads of assignments, watching tv series(urggh), and lastly cigarette's smoke!

My hobby is playing badminton, rollerblading, playing computer games and the thing that i do the most like every day, that is browsing through the internet for some weird stuff, by weird i mean artsy weird ;). My ambition is to be a rich person of course, make my parents happy, having a super duper awesome big car and a condo house(hope so) and last but not least become an animator. I have some favorite stuff too ya know such as, my dslr camera, my macbook( i call it iEldie ;P ), my different types of rubics and my trusty bag that i have been using it since i was in 2nd grade that is my nike bag ( i still using it till now ya know, ya can imagine how it looks like now huh don't ya ? ;D ).

Well that is all from me mates! Cheerio! =D

What be Stereotype ??

Stereotype is a phrased that often use to differentiate people by their race, nationality, religion and others. It is also can be defined to label a specific group of people or types of individual. For example, in western movies muslim always been shown as a terrorist, black people as gangster, asian as the dumb people and blondes too. Stereotype can be shown just by a single a word, for example nerd or geek.

Monday, June 28, 2010

What is novelty, Creativity, Innovation and Invention.?

This video above is about a woman and her team who bring a solution to a worldwide problem that is costly incubator for babies in rural area. It is stated that 4 million babies dies annually and those who survived grow up with severe long term health problem. All of this happen because of in rural area it is hard for parents their child to a nearby hospital and besides that the cost of an incubator is expensive , so it is quite impossible for them to give what the baby needs for the first month of their life.

So this group of people came up with an idea to help those people by invent a new product which have the similar function of an incubator [invention]. They invent a product that are never been use by other people or think of by other people [novelty]. Besides that to reduce the cost of electricity and a incubator, they only use a small sleeping bag and use a plastic of wax so that it has the same function as a incubator [creativity] and this method is easy to use , cheap and even people who are poor can use it as well [innovation].

Well i think that is what i understand about novelty, creativity, innovation and invention. Being new and original about something, using imagination and ideas to create something, finding new method and ideas, invent a product that could help users in their daily life activities.

Well that is all from me! Cheerio! =D

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Personal entry : T' beauty o' Vector Art

Image courtesy of Laz Marquez

Image courtesy of no in color

Image courtesy of Matt Needle

Above are some vector art that i found at yayeveryday! website page. In short, vector art is the use of geometrical primitives that are based on mathematical equation and represent it as an image in computer graphic. Vector art are created by using softwares that can create vector images such as adobe illustrator and corel draw.

Why do i love vector art so much ? it is because in my point of view vector art are unique and even though vector color are flat and and there is no gradient in it, it is still can be seen that there is a gradient but there are, it is all about how you play with the color tones.

Here are some of my vector art creation. Maybe to you guys it is not really that good but to me, I am proud of it! :D

Well that is all from me mates! Cheerio! =D

t' definition o' invention.

Invention is a new creation of something that are useful for people to use in their daily life. Invention could be something that are derived from pre-existing model or idea and make it more convenient or easy to use.

"An invention is a new composition, device, or process. An invention may be derived from a pre-existing model or idea, or it could be independently conceived in which case it may be a radical breakthrough. In addition, there is cultural invention, which is an innovative set of useful social behaviours adopted by people and passed on to others.Inventions often extend the boundaries of human knowledge or experience. An invention that is novel and not obvious to others skill in the same field may be able to obtain the legal protection of a patent." - Wikipedia

To me weird invention is more awesome than the normal usual kind ones. The weirder it is the more awesome it gets. Here are some example of weird inventions :-

Image courtesy of Google

There are lots of other weird invention. These kind of invention are unique because these people who invent the stuff above is think out of the box and different from other people perspective

"To invent, you need a good imagination and a pile of junk" - Thomas Edison.

Anyone with high imagination and creativity can invent anything, because good invention comes from good imagination and ideas. Top 3 inventions in humanity are :-
#1. Telephone by Alexander Graham Bell

#2. Computer by Konard Zuse

#3. Television by thomas weynants

Image Courtesy of Google

Telephone are the greatest invention ever made. It connecting people around the world. Alexander Graham Bell can be consider as the greatest inventor in human history. Computer make people life easier and help us in many ways. In the present, most of the work are done by the computers without it human can face a lot of difficulties and their work would not be done in short moment. Whereas television is the center of entertainment , infos , news and others. Without it people would live in boring life.

That is all from me mates! cheerio! =D

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Creative expression of my friend : Raja Muhammad Zakiyy

This is a sketch of a friend of mine , Raja Muhammad Zakiyy is his name. He's in the same batch as me and we're in the same class when we were in alpha. In this sketch i drew him smiling because he likes to smile and he always makes me smile ( alright that was soo gay) but it is true thought. Well i drew his head as a cube because his favorite shape is a square. Hope you like dude. Here is the link to his blog :D

Well that is all from me mates! Cheerio! =D

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Personal entry : Facebook!

Image courtesy of Google!

Facebook is social networking website that allow us to communicate with other people around the globe through the internet. There are pros and cons about this social networking site. The positive thing about it is that we can communicate with other people who live in the opposite side of the globe or someone who live far away from us. It is also makes people who went far away from his hometown, keep in touch with his/her family. It is also can be use to make more friend or a date. Facebook allow us to keep in touch with our friend without going outside the house.

In contrast, Facebook is not a private website, so whatever picture or statuses that we post on it, it can be view by other people. It can bring controversial about something. Other than that, not just making new friends, Facebook can also make new enemies for us. It is because when we are emotional or pissed about something, we would do anything to release that feeling including posting something inappropriate that would offend people without us knowing.

There are also other social networking site that exist in the net but in this post i just want to share about Facebook because Facebook is one the famous networking site in this world.

Well that is all from me mates! Cheerio! =D

What be Creativity ?

To me creativity is about bringing something that we imagine to reality in a creative way. People's mind always make people to imagine something that they like and sometimes people always tries to produce it, by making something from their imagination. That is what you called creativity. If you have ideas but you don't anything about it. You are imaginative but not creative.Sometimes people who have creativity is the one with very sensitive emotion and they turn that emotion that they have into art.

Painters, Designers, Photographers and others that are similar to it, they have creativity because they always turning something that they have in their mind to a product. Creativity requires passion and commitment. Able to imagine something and trying out new things so that the thing that they imagine would become real is what creativity all about.

Here are some product that are produce by creative people :

Capcubes by Diskursdisko

Storm Drain Graffiti by Dailycognition

That is all from me mates! cheerio! =D

Saturday, June 19, 2010

The beginning of a new journey!

Today is the first the first day i attend my creative studies class. It was quite fun though, the lecturer are the same like last semester when we were in alpha. Today they were explaining to us the meaning of creative and creativity. To me i think this subject objective is to make all of us to be more creative and thinking out of the box.

What i hope to get from creative studies class ? i hope that i could be more creative and i hope that the lecturer can make my friend and i to be more open and learn new, great things in every class. Besides that, i also hope that i could be a new person, a person with a greater imagination and ideas. :D

These are the work of creative people that i got from!. I hope that i can be like them or better than them. =)

Fake Plastic Print by eltacodeojo!

Genesis by Pepperdesign!

Pleasure by Pianofuzz!

Well that is all from me! Cheerio! =D